Every market area and neighborhood has a distinct target buyer and every property has unique features which need to be highlighted and showcased to capture the sophisticated eye of today’s buyer. When staging a property it should all be about the house, it’s custom features, style, amenities, and most importantly the prospective buyers.
Unlike designers who will leave a recognizable signature stamp on their designs, a great stager will create a design that emphasizes the property and showcases it to it’s best advantage.
A property stylist’s job is to recognize spaces which have a quirky layout, are size challenged, or have any kind of unusual deficit. They will give a room a purpose, style, and make it thus more marketable and appealing to the consumer.
Realtors understand that each house has its on distinguishing qualities , it’s great features but sadly also some not so wonderful traits.
Just as people want to be recognized for their individuality, homes also need to be ”dressed” accordingly and one size does not fit all!
When choosing a professional stager check out their web-site. Consider if they have done their homework and addressed each property as an individual and not simply “dressed” one home to resemble another.
As builders build homes to appeal to the masses, properties do not necessarily differentiate themselves much from each other. Thus the staging has to be stellar, to set a house apart from its competition not only in person but also online and to become memorable to buyers. If the staging however is a “Cookie Cutter Staging” it will create a potential dilemma for home buyers and Realtors, when properties start melting into each other.